Friday, August 06, 2004

civil servants

Had a meeting yesterday at the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister in London. It wasn't a very productive meeting, and we were astounded that the civil servant we met with, who works in the housing directorate, didn't know that mortgage lenders now routinely lend higher multiples of people's salary than 3.5. Do these people live in the real world? Scary.

Housing is much higher up the political agenda - 'key worker' housing is now quite high profile. As to widening the definition of who key workers actually are, to include those not employed by the public sector but still providing key public services, it seems that this would fall foul of EU laws on the state subsidising private companies. Which is unfortunate when at the same time so many public services are leaving the public sector.

Right, I'm boring even myself now - and it's only my third blog entry, oh dear.


At 3:25 PM, Blogger Jonathan said...

Blog's third law - never admit you're being boring... even when you are :-)

Not that you were. The narrow definitions are unfortunate when so many public services are leaving the public sector. It's also unfortunate that so many public services are leaving the public sector. I'd not considered that aspect of why it's unfortunate before, though.


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