Thursday, February 10, 2005

Elvis Costello - Brighton Dome

I love Elvis Costello - he can sing a song like no one else, and when he did Shipbuilding and Good Year for the Roses it was great. He played a lot of old numbers - (I don't want to go to) Chelsea, Pump it up etc and they were fine, but I kind of think he should leave that alone now and do what he's best at - which isn't the old punky stuff. The new songs were good, lovely country harmonies. And what a pro he was coping with a dodgy guitar sound.

One moan - why oh why does the Dome close its bar as soon as the act comes on? It's so annoying. All they need to do is stop people taking drinks in - they could still have the bar open if you need to nip out for a while - I nearly died of thirst but for emergency satsumas!


At 3:34 PM, Blogger s said...

What a cool performer. I loved the way he made the audience feel as if they were being let in on a secret when he sang away from the microphone.

I thought his shiny silver shoes were cool, too!

God bless emergency fruit supplies.

At 11:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Pete - I think i would have loved the old punky stuff and would have been left snoozing through the songs with country harmonies. Re: hydration, can i recommend never going anywhere without a Small Bottle of Water? This is a massive cultural change which should be both documented and observed. Highest priced bottle spotted so far was in the Odeon - £1.80 for a small bottle, and not a brand-leading spring either. Vic

At 12:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The issue of whether the Dome Bar closes during a performance is determined by the Artist and/or the show's promoters. Effectively, they hire the venue and thus can dictate their own conditions for the show. Closing the bar during the show loses the Dome valuable revenue and they would not usually do this unless requested to do so.


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